Organised by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre, the annual SHQSA recognises the exemplary efforts of healthcare professionals in delivering excellent service to patients. The 2024 Awards also marked the highest number of awards we received since its inception in 2011, with the Hospital bagging 17 Gold and 60 Silver awards. Accorded to both staff who helm the frontline as well as those ensuring smooth management of backend operations, the awards are a strong affirmation of the Hospital’s unified dedication and commitment to continually improve our care standards.
During the ceremony on 23 January, our recipients proudly stood on stage as CEO Dr Mok Ying Jang received the awards from Senior Minister of State for Health, Dr Janil Puthucheary.
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you for your outstanding contributions to the sector! KWSH will continue to be Always Professional, Always Caring.
Mr Johann joined KWSH in May 2024. As the Director of Technology and Innovation, he oversees the aspects of Information Technology, Innovation, Medical Records and Data Protection in KWSH. He has a wealth of experience, equipped to tackle the complex IT and innovation challenges and has a diverse background spanning from academia, start-up companies and humanitarian work. Mr Johann graduated with a Degree in Engineering from The National University of Singapore and has a Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance from Fordham University, New York.
在公共和私人医疗机构都拥有丰富经验的熊丽婵于2023年7月加入广惠肇主管企业策划与监管。熊女士成功为广惠肇建立起了企业策划与监管团队,带领该团队协助本院董事会和总裁制定我们的策略路线图,以及规划和落实中长远的发展与扩充计划。她也负责本院的合规及风险管理事务,并且主导广惠肇在“环境、社会和治理”(Environmental, Social and Governance)方面的工作。熊丽婵拥有新加坡国立大学的工商管理学士学位。
Ms Yoong joined KWSH in July 2023 and heads the Corporate Planning and Governance (CPG) Division. Ms Yoong has extensive experience in both public and private healthcare organizations. In KWSH, Ms Yoong has successfully built up the CPG team. She leads the team in supporting the Board and CEO on charting the strategic roadmap, shaping and implementing annual, mid-term and long-term growth and expansion plans for KWSH. Ms Yoong also oversees compliance and risk management, and drives ESG efforts for the Hospital. Ms Yoong graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the National University of Singapore.
莫应章医生2023年3月加入广惠肇留医院担任总裁一职。莫医生的医疗专业为家庭医生,此外也拥有丰富的管理经验,此前已在本地及国外的医护领域有着超过30年的管理经验,在临床、营运和企业管理各方面施展他优秀的领导能力。他在法定机构以及公共和私人医疗机构都担任过高管要职,并且也出任教育部一所专门学校的副主席。莫医生毕业自新加坡国立大学医学系,并拥有新加坡管理大学的高级工商管理硕士学位(Executive Master of Business Administration),势必凭着他的丰富经验和辉煌履历带领广惠肇迈向新的发展。
陈先生在2013年9月加入医院,担任设施管理总监。他曾在其他医疗保健和私营部门服务,有超过15 年的建筑和设施管理经验。陈先生持有英国诺桑比亚大学商业管理荣誉学位。他也拥有弗林德斯大学的医疗行政硕士文凭。
Ms Lew joined KWSH in 2015 as Deputy Director, Ambulatory Services and was subsequently promoted to Director of Ambulatory Services, in January 2017. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and was an Excellence Award recipient for Master of Health Science (Gerontology) from the University of Sydney. Ms Lew has more than 25 years of experience in healthcare as well as the ILTC sector prior to joining KWSH. She oversees the Community Services and Rehabilitation Services, including our community care centres known as Kwong Wai Shiu Care.
陈医生于2019年4月加入广惠肇担任临床与医疗服务总监。毕业自新加坡国立大学医学系的陈医生也考获国大的职业医学(occupational medicine)毕业文凭和老年医学毕业文凭,并同时拥有新加坡中医学院的针灸专业文凭。除了在2014年注册成为家庭医生,他此前也在2000年登记成为我国人力部的 Designated Factory Doctor,加入人力部的工业医生名单。 陈医生同时还在2007年向新加坡中医管理委员会注册成为一名合格针灸师。加入广惠肇以前,陈医生已在公共医疗体系和私人医疗领域累积了超过30年的临床经验。身为临床与医疗服务总监,陈医生的职务包括掌管本院的医疗服务、监督中医诊所的运作以及领导传染病管控工作。
郑女士在2013年4月担任医院的财务总监。她在新加坡和海外都有审计,财务与会计等相关的丰富经验。郑女士拥有澳洲迪肯大学的商业管理硕士学位和财务与会计商学士学位, 也是一名特许会计师。
曾女士于 2015 年1月加入医院担任护士总监。她拥有澳洲悉尼大学健康科学(护理),学士学位。拥有超过30年的医护经验的曾女士,除了是名注册护士以外,也是一位经验丰富的客户服务培训导师, 并拥有美国密歇根大学精益医疗证书。
Mr Chan joined KWSH in September 2013 as the Director of Operations Support Services. He is equipped with more than 15 years of experience in building and facilities management in both the healthcare industry and private sector. Mr Chan holds an Honours Degree in Business Management from the University of Northumbria at New Castle, UK. He also holds a Master in Healthcare Administration from Flinders University.
Ms Poh joined KWSH in February 2013 overseeing the HR function. Areas under her purview include HR, learning, which includes the KWSH Community Training Institute (CTI), organisational development and skills & professional development with respect to KWSH’s role as SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Queen Bee. With more than 25 years of HR experience where she started her career in the public sector before moving on to community care and the private sector and eventually joining KWSH, she took on the role as Director, Human Resource & Organisational Development, in July 2021. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management from the Singapore Institute of Management.
Ms Teh joined KWSH in April 2013 as the Director of Finance. She has extensive experience, both locally and overseas, in auditing, accounting, banking and finance related work. She is a Chartered Accountant, and also holds a Master of Business Administration Degree and a Bachelor of Business Degree in Finance and Accounting, both from the Deakin University, Australia.
Ms Chang joined KWSH in January 2015 as the Director of Nursing. She attained a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) from the University of Sydney, Australia and is a registered nurse with more than 30 years of clinical and management experience in the private healthcare sector. Ms Chang also holds a Lean Healthcare Certificate from the University of Michigan, USA and is an experienced customer service trainer.
Dr Tan joined KWSH in April 2019 as Director of Clinical Services. He holds a medical degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and obtained various specialized qualifications such as the Graduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine from NUS, Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine from NUS, Graduate Diploma in Acupuncture from the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SCTCM). Dr Tan is a registered Family Physician since 2014, a registered Designated Factory Doctor with MOM since 2000 and a registered Acupuncturist with TCM Board since 2007. Dr Tan had had more than 30 years of clinical experience both with the public and private healthcare sector prior to his appointment at KWSH. As the Director of Clinical Services, he oversees the medical services, TCM clinic and infection control.