Always Professional, Always Caring


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Our Rehab team has done us proud!

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Our Rehab team has done us proud!

Our Rehab team has done us proud!

Cheers to the DRC team…

Benjamin Lim, Senior Occupational Therapist at our DRC, has been awarded the Social & Health Manpower Development Programme-ILTC (SHMDP-ILTC) scholarship to do a Master Degree in Clinical Rehabilitation in Australia.

“Upgrading myself with a Masters in Clinical Rehabilitation from an overseas institution allows me to learn from our overseas counterparts in the area of clinical rehabilitation, and broaden my horizons in this aspect.” said Benjamin.

We applaud Benjamin for his job passion and commitment in value-adding to our Rehabilitation services. We also wish him all the best in his studies. 

Our heartfelt congratulations go to Ms Wong Foong Ling Jacqueline of DRC for being awarded the ILTC Service Quality Silver Award.  The ILTC Excellence Service Quality Awards (Gold/Silver) recognises the outstanding service and contributions of staff to their organisations in the ILTC sector.

This is what Jacqueline’s manager says about her –

“Jacqueline’s services to the clients have gone beyond her role as a Therapy Aide. She would usually reach the DRC 1½ hours earlier to attend to those clients who arrive before the opening time.  Even on weekends, she would also devote some of her time to those elderly clients who are lonely at home and need a listening ear.
Jacqueline is well liked by not only the clients but also their family members. It is evident that she puts patient care and clients’ well-being as first priority at work.”

We also congratulate the team who put in their team effort into creating a poster on “ Person Centre Care – “From the eyes of an elderly” . The poster came in as one of the finalists for the poster display at the recent ILTC Quality Festival Festival 2014.  The Poster competition is a platform for all ILTC organisations to showcase their Quality Improvement Projects and initiatives.