Key Milestones of KWSH Redevelopment Completed in 2018

KWSH has undergone the most extensive redevelopment in its history to be transformed into an integrated community hub. The project consisted of a new 12-storey nursing home building and major renovations for its four conserved buildings.

Here’s a look at our redevelopment journey.

9 November 2013
The Architect Concept Plan (2nd version) for the new 12-storey nursing home (NH) building was exhibited at KWSH 103rd Anniversary, graced by the Health Minister.
May to November 2014
A 2-storey transitional building was constructed to facilitate the demolishment of 6 buildings to make way for the 12-storey NH building.
November 2014 to January 2015
The Day Rehab Centre, Training Centre, CEO Office, Finance Office and HR Office were relocated to the 2-storey transitional building.
December 2014 to January 2015
The conceptual plan and schematic design of the 12-storey NH building were confirmed.
15 March 2015
Singapore Land Authority agreed on the lease of the vacant land adjacent to KWSH for the construction of transitional wards to enable the Addition & Alteration (A & A) works for the four conserved buildings.
May to August 2015
Four buildings were demolished.
April to September 2015
The ground floor of the staff quarters was converted to a transitional TCM Centre.
22 July 2015
The VIP tree, planted by the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, was transplanted at another spot in the garden.
10 September 2015
The main construction contract for the 12-storey NH building was awarded.
14 September 2015
The TCM Centre was relocated to the transitional facility.
October to November 2015
The TCM Centre and Admin Office Building were demolished.
21 November 2015
The detailed design and 3D model of the NH building, and the construction site were viewed and inspected by the Health Minister at KWSH 105th Anniversary.
23 December 2015
The construction contract for the transitional wards was awarded.
December 2015 to March 2016
The ground floor structure of the 12-storey NH building was completed.
30 August 2016
The Transitional Wards, Main Lobby and Multi-Purpose-Hall were completed.
August 2016
MOH proposed to construct a new 10-storey building housing polyclinics and additional 128 beds for a chronic sick unit/nursing home.
13 September 2016
Services and residents at the Main Building were relocated to the Transitional Wards/Building.
August/September 2016
The A & A works for the four Conserved Buildings and Heritage Gallery were put up for tender.
14 October 2016
The structural works up to the 11th storey of the new NH Building were completed. Construction works of the 12-storey still in progress.
December 2016
The structural works for the new building was completed.
July to September 2017
The Temporary Occupational Permit (T.O.P.) of the 12-storey NH Building was issued in July 2017 and building became operational on 27 September 2017.
March 2018
Restoration and A & A works for the four conserved buildings fully completed.


Beyond the redevelopment at Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital’s main site, KWSH had also been awarded by the Ministry of Health to run a second nursing home and four community care centres. The first new facility, KWS Care @ McNair, became operational on 10 July 2017 while the other sites are set to open in succession by 2022.