90th Term of Board of Directors (2020-2023)


Mr Wong Kan Seng


Mr Lee Kwok Kie, Patrick, PJG

Vice Chairman

Dr Cheong Wai Kwong

Vice Chairman

Mr Tang Kin Fei

Vice Chairman

Mr Ng Siew Quan

Vice Chairman

Mr Leong Sin Yuen, William

Honorary Chairman

Mr Chia Weng Kaye, PBM


Mr Hoong Kong Fatt

Vice Chairman

Mr Ng Siew Quan

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Vice Chairman

Mr Leong Sin Yuen, William

Executive Director
Leung Yun Chee & Sons Realty Pte Ltd, Leong Heng Keng & Sons Group

Honorary Chairman

Mr Chia Weng Kaye, PBM


Mr Hoong Kong Fatt

FCA Singapore, K. F. Hoong & Company

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EXCO) assists the Board to ensure the hospital is well-managed and fulfils its objectives. The EXCO provides leadership and guidance to the Top Management, decides on policies and strategic plans. The EXCO also controls the finance, monitors the performance of the hospital and makes recommendations to the Board on future development of the hospital.

Mr Lee Kwok Kie, Patrick, PJGChairman, Sing Lun Holdings Pte Ltd
Dr Cheong Wai KwongDirector/Dermatologist, Specialist Skin Clinic and Associates Pte Ltd
Mr Tang Kin Fei, PBMChairman, SIA Engineering Company Ltd
Mr Ng Siew QuanPartner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Mr Leong Sin Yuen, WilliamExecutive Director, Leung Yun Chee & Sons Realty Pte Ltd, Leong Heng Keng & Sons Group
Ms Leong Lai Onn, SusanCEO, Adsan Law LLC
Mr Wan Shung Ming, PBMExecutive Director, Tin Sing Goldsmiths Pte Ltd
Mr Wong Chee HerngGroup Managing Director & CEO, Straits Construction Group Pte Ltd
Mr Lam Yew ChoongExecutive Director, Seng Lee Tobacco Factory (Pte) Ltd
Mr Kwong Kin MunHead of Wealth Management (SEA), Deutsche Bank
Mr Hoong Kong FattFCA Singapore, K. F. Hoong & Company
Mr Lum Wen Hong, AdrianDirector, Property Development, Lum Chang Holdings Ltd
Mr Lau Kam YuenPartner, KPMG LLP
Mr Chen Wei Ching, VincentDirector, Chen Holdings Pte Ltd
Ms Cheong Sooi PengDirector, TCK Investment Pte Ltd
Mr Lee Kean Phi, MarkChairman, Vac-Tech Engineering Pte Ltd

The Board held a total of 4 meetings in 2019 and the attendance is 72.0%.

The EXCO held a total of 11 meetings in 2019 and the attendance is 83.0%.

Full List of BODs

For full listing of members, please refer to the following links:
1) BOD members
2) Sub Committee members

Board Set Up

The Board as the highest policy making and governing body of KWSH is ultimately responsible for the proper running of the organisation. The Board has the primary duty and responsibility to ensure good governance and management for the effective performance and operation of the KWSH.

The Board members are volunteers of good character who are willing and competent to serve and contribute effectively to achieve the objectives of KWSH. They shall serve without remuneration for their voluntary service to KWSH so as to maintain the integrity of serving for public trust and community good instead of personal gain.

The Board members will serve a term of three years. The term limit for the position of Treasurer is four (4) years.

The Board shall provide appropriate orientation and training for new directors appointed to the Board.

All Board members are also encouraged to be updated in areas of practices and governance, where training grants are provided to them.

Number of staff sitting on the board : NIL

Board Nomination and Renewal

KWSH recognises the importance of having a qualified and competent Board to achieve the mission and vision of KWSH. KWSH believes that a Board that possesses a balance of skill set, experience, expertise and diversity of perspectives enhances decision-making capability and the overall effectiveness of the Board. The Board is committed to ensuring that proper nomination and election processes are in place for the selection and nomination of Directors.

A Nomination Committee will review and interview the candidates, before submitting the shortlisted candidates to the Executive Committee (EXCO) for approval. Upon approval, the selected candidates will be inducted into the Board and committee(s) where applicable. The renomination and reappointment of Board members follow the same rigorous process.